Flavored E-liquids and Vaping
Vaping is one of the hottest trends today. There are many types of products and flavors available for the e-cigarette user. The heart of the e-cigarette holds the e-liquid. This is the cartridge where the flavor of the e-cigarette is stored. There are only a few basic ingredients that e-liquids are composed of. These ingredients include […]
To Quit Smoking Try Vaping
In the healthcare field one of the hottest debates is whether vaping is a safe way for traditional cigarette smokers to cut-down on their smoking or quit altogether. According to Web MD in some studies current evidence suggests that smoking e-cigarettes may be safer than smoking traditional cigarettes. One of the biggest health concerns pertaining […]
Are There Dangerous Chemicals In Secondhand Vapor?
People who are against vaping come up with a long list of excuses and reasons why vaping is bad. The biggest argument they can come up with is the one about the unknown chemicals. You have them arguing that there are, “toxic metals,” “cancer-causing toxicants,” and “the same stuff they use in antifreeze.” There seems […]
Better Safety Regulations On The Way For eJuices
The US Senate’s Commerce had recently unanimously approved a new bill regarding electronic cigarette products. This new bill makes childproof lids mandatory on all electronic cigarette juice products. This is actually a big win for e-cig users for the long run. Starting off, it will silence the electronic cigarette disapprovers who solely disapprove because of the […]
A New York Judge Supports Vaping In A Big Way
After quite some time facing the critics and numerous people who are against vaping, a New York judge finally rules in favor of electronic cigarettes. While vaping on a New York subway platform, a man was cited for using his e-cigarette in public. Not taking this lightly, the man challenged the citation claiming that vaping […]
The Mouth To Lung (MTL) Approach: Pros and Cons
Pros: First Pro: You use less e-juice, which ultimately means you spend less money. Because of the inhalation being so delayed compared to the direct lung inhale, the e-liquid is vaporized at a lengthier speed. Second Pro: This method produces a cooler temperature vaping experience. Since the battery power is lower, there is a reduced danger of […]
Vaping Is Really Is Not That Difficult
For someone who is new to vaping, some of the advanced vaporizers could come across as a hassle to deal with. No need to worry, there is an e-cigarette out there for everyone. It might take some looking around, but the right one is out there for you. The two-piece devices are some of the most […]
Electronic-Cigarette Vapor Has No Toxic Effect On Lungs
British American Tobacco has funded a study showing that the vapor from an e-cigarette is not toxic to the lungs. Inhaling nicotine vapor proved to be as safe as the air you breath. The study involved tobacco smoke, e-cigarette vapor and air being used on human lung cell models created by MatTek Corporation. The cells died […]
Is There A Correlation Between Mouth Cancer and Smokeless Tobacco?
When the topic of mouth cancer arises, normally people’s minds go to cigarettes or heavy drinking. Have you ever thought about how smokeless tobacco affects your body long term? Due to 40+ years of research we know that there is considerably less cases of mouth cancer in those that use smokeless tobacco products versus tobacco […]
More About: E-Cigarettes
After years of research, the consequences of smoking are well documented to this day. With minimal research, any person could figure out how bad the habit is for them. All of this information is staring about 40 million American’s in the face yet there is still such a huge number of them. These huge numbers of […]