Is Vaping Healthier Than Smoking?
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The topic that is often argued among vapers, non-vapers, governments, health organizations, and much more is whether or not vaping is essentially healthier than smoking. It’s no surprise that there’s still a debate going on because with anything somewhat new, there will be skeptics or people trying to maintain the status quo. But, time and time again, the research has shown that vaping is undoubtedly a better alternative for your health.


Why Is Vaping Safer?

Vaping, for one, is evidently safer than smoking because vaping doesn’t include combustion (or the burning of chemicals). This is why many physical harms occur for people who smoke. Breathing in any type of smoke is unsafe for your body’s health, but smoking is especially dangerous and causes heart disease, lung damage, heart attack or stroke, cancer, and more.


Yet, vaping has not been linked to any of these things. There are a few health risks that might be associated with vaping, but there hasn’t been enough evidence to actually link these effects to vaping. According to an analyzation of all the vaping literature existing, the Royal College of Physicians was even able to say that vaping is “unlikely to exceed 5% of the harm from smoking tobacco.”



You might find mainstream opinions that say that vaping is more dangerous or as dangerous as smoking, however you should seek to do your own research and read the scientific studies that state otherwise.


About 1,300 people will die just today from the destructive effects of smoking. With vaping, smokers can taper down their nicotine intake instead of quitting cold turkey and relapsing. Furthermore, once you break your nicotine habit, you can quit vaping all together if you prefer!


Decrease your health risks exponentially by switching to vaping today! Visit your local vape shop for more information on the health benefits and true facts about vaping.