When wanting to quit smoking you can select to go one of two routes, the choices including vaping or nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). However, many people try NRT and fall back into their hazardous customs. That’s why it’s widely known that quitting smoking is a very difficult task to accomplish after you’ve done it for so long.
Some NRT methods include nicotine gum, the nicotine patch, and Varenicline. A few conducted studies have been completed regarding the effectiveness of vaping versus standard NRT techniques. And the results show that there are a few projected reasons for this outcome.
- Bio-behavioral feedback
This means that e-cigarettes provide the imitation of smoking through the breathes, feel, and habit.
- The community
A community of vapers has surfaced online and in real life that help users to stay consistent and receive advice.
- New hobbies
Many make vaping a hobby where they spend much time researching or assembling different pens/mods. This is not only a better distraction, but also an entertaining commitment.
- A form of identity
Smokers become vapers, giving them a sense of identity and self, which often gives them motivation to maintain their actions to align with their identity.
- A way to wane off nicotine
The option for nicotine is available for those who are interested in reducing their nicotine intake instead of quitting right away.
Though, much more research still needs to be conducted, these reasons seem to be sound and notable reasons as to why vaping would work better than NRT. If classic forms of NRT are not working for you, then you may want to look into vaping. Visit your local vape store in Allentown for more details on how vaping can help you quit smoking.